Curriculum Eve – Overview from Parents 

I have been attending the curriculum meeting at school regularly. For me, the meeting is helpful enough to understand what my daughter is learning throughout the year so that I can think of a way to support her in her assignments at home. Most importantly, we got the opportunity to get to know the new subject teachers of my daughter, with whom we have been trying to meet and talk about my observations in regards to the school’s academic program.  This time I have also taken this forum as an opportunity to share and express my observations. Thank you, school management, for this opportunity!

My experience listening to the teachers during the meeting allows me to say that the curriculum meeting should be an event full of a collaborative effort from both parents and teachers to drive our children in a new direction for a better future. Besides, I personally feel that the curriculum meeting should not be a one-way presentation from the teachers, but it should be like a workshop between the parents and the teachers so that we can work together, brainstorm, and come up with innovative ideas and subjects, which would definitely be the most effective medium to trigger and encourage our children to be good, responsible human beings for our society and nation as a whole.

Ananta Raj Bajracharya

Father of Maulikata Bajracharya (Grade 7)

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