A Memorable Trip to Balthali

On 26th of February, 6th and 7th graders of Adhyayan School went on an educational trip to Balthali Village Resort, Panauti. At first, we arrived at school at 6 – 6:30am. We were taken there in a tourist bus after having our attendance taken at  school. It took an hour bus ride to our first destination, at Sanga where we had our breakfast at local restaurant. The food was delicious. There we had a great experience admiring the statue of Mahadev. We then departed to Panauti and had our lunch. Khopasi Hydropower project was another attraction for us.

We were told about how the electricity is generated from there. The two hours hike despite the stormy weather was a memorable one due to the company of friends. We also visited Namobuddha on our return where we bought some souvenirs for our loved ones. The trip was an amazing experience. The fun filled days and nights were the moments to remember!

  • Gyalmo Somika Lama, Grade 6
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