Not do that, not do this is the lines every girl hears Sweet childhood dreams, life when no one cares 
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Locked in a room With a dim light They cannot fight Against the dark night Kept in a dark room 
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Our school does not only focus in book’s education but also believes that we have to conduct co- curricular activities 
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Dashain is one of the longest and most auspicious festivals marked in Nepalese calendar, celebrated by all caste and creed 
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Public speaking is one of the important educational program which was held on 30th of September in the premise of 
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Adhyayan School had successfully conducted first ‘Design Thinking Week’ for grade 3 to 5 from 1st to 6th Bhadra and 
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Rishi Panchami is the fifth day, the next day after Ganesh Chaturthi, in Bhadra month of the Lunar Calendar. It 
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Among all the festivals celebrated in Nepal, teej is the most famous festival celebrated enthusiastically by Nepalese women regardless of 
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Adhyayan School in collaboration with Grande International Hospital had conducted a health camp (ENT) on 8th and 9th of August, 
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The Chinese bridge competition was organized by the Embassy of China, where the Chinese language facilitator chose me as a 
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