Let’s stop this

Not do that, not do this

is the lines every girl hears

Sweet childhood dreams, life when no one cares

Amazing childhood every girl miss

Never go out late till nine

There are strangers and dangers at the door behind

Learn this and that you are a girl

You need this after your marriage affairs

Our dreams are never taken seriously

Our thoughts are ignored

rapes and sexual harassment

are increasing more and more

why only we?

Why should we follow rules

That are different

For both genders and more,

Women rights, no discrimination

They are just to say

Just as an understandable word

That is always ignored

Our dreams are always ignored

Our dreams are always crust

Our wishes are ignored

Whereas boys are always given excuse

There wills are always full filled and so more

We are not just girls

We are not just toys

We are mother, sister

And better that boys

Let’s not hide our feeling

Let us all be unite

Let us make people know

That we are the one that gave them life.

Lets stop this discrimination

Lets fight for our right

Lets think that we belong somewhere

As we are not a bad memory that is left behind


By: Aayusha Tiwari

Grade: 8

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