School menus

Elementary School is truly an extraordinary place of learning. Our talented staff provides each student with a rigorous standards.

The homelike quality of our school contributes to a relaxed, focused experience for the child. Our indoor classroom activities are placed on open shelves for selection as interest and readiness inspires the child. Our outdoor environment offers a beautiful developed playground with manipulatives, tricycles, pets, and gardens.

A Memorable Farewell Program

A memorable moment in life happened at Adhyayan – yes, it was the farewell for Batch 2080. The air was 

More than a Decade of School Life 

We never knew we would miss the day that we hated the most.  Entering the realm of early schooling can 

बिदाइको क्षण

सँगै हुँदा थियो जीवन एकदमै जाती छुट्टिने बेला कति चाडै आएछ नि साथी। सधैंभरि सम्झनेछौँ हाम्रो स्कुलको मानचित्र आज छोडी 

A Memorable Farewell Program

A memorable moment in life happened at Adhyayan – yes, it was the farewell for Batch 2080. The air was 

More than a Decade of School Life 

We never knew we would miss the day that we hated the most.  Entering the realm of early schooling can 

बिदाइको क्षण

सँगै हुँदा थियो जीवन एकदमै जाती छुट्टिने बेला कति चाडै आएछ नि साथी। सधैंभरि सम्झनेछौँ हाम्रो स्कुलको मानचित्र आज छोडी